Home Top Stories Prince Harry’s reaction to ‘The Crown’ indicates Netflix’s big money ‘on the line’

Prince Harry’s reaction to ‘The Crown’ indicates Netflix’s big money ‘on the line’

Prince Harry’s reaction to ‘The Crown’ indicates Netflix’s big money ‘on the line’


Prince Harry’s reaction to ‘The Crown’ indicates Netflix’s big money ‘on the line’
Prince Harry’s reaction to ‘The Crown’ indicates Netflix’s big money ‘on the line’ 

Prince Harry and Prince William both dearly love their late mother, Princess Diana, but both of them have very different reactions to Netflix using her memory for The Crown’s sixth and final season.

The Netflix show is reportedly going to feature the ghost of Lady Di, who will be talking to the late Queen Elizabeth and King Charles.

Prince William is not happy about the matter as he is “totally sickened” by the idea, per Daily Beast’s Tom Sykes, who was told of the reaction by the royal’s pal.

“It’s incredibly hurtful to have his mother exploited over and over again in this tawdry fashion by Netflix. He won’t watch it, but he will be totally sickened by it,” the pal told Skyes.

Meanwhile, Prince Harry seems to be “comparatively, and outwardly, unruffled by it,” royal commentator Daniela Elser noted in her piece for News.com.au.

She wrote, “If the royal brothers did not have enough kindling to keep their feud alive and vigorously burning, enter the streaming giant. That very same company which has produced this ‘sickening’ content is Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex’s biggest corporate paymaster.”

Elser noted that it was rather surprising that Harry had a “laid-back attitude” as he “has taken repeated umbrage over the press using his own life for commercial ends.”

She suggested that of Harry and Meghan did not have a “reported $77 million on the line” Harry wouldn’t have “such a nonchalant approach to The Crown.”


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