Home Top Stories Chinese barge suspected of looting World War II shipwrecks:

Chinese barge suspected of looting World War II shipwrecks:

Chinese barge suspected of looting World War II shipwrecks:


U.S. marks 80 years since Pearl Harbor

U.S. marks 80 years since attack on Pearl Harbor


Malaysia’s maritime agency said Monday it found a cannon shell believed to be from World War II on a Chinese-registered vessel and was investigating if the barge carrier was involved in the looting of two British warship wrecks in the South China Sea.  

Malaysian media reported that illegal salvage operators were believed to have targeted the HMS Repulse and the HMS Prince of Wales, which were sunk in 1941 by Japanese torpedoes.

The strike — which occurred just three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor — killed some 842 sailors and is considered one of the worst disasters in British naval history, BBC News reported.

World War II in the Pacific Sinking of the battleship 'HMS Prince of Wales' (back) and of the battlecruiser 'HMS Repulse' (front) after being hit by Japanese torpedo aircrafts off the Malaysian coast near Kuantan. Crew members of the 'Prince of Wales
World War II in the Pacific Sinking of the battleship ‘HMS Prince of Wales’ (back) and of the battlecruiser ‘HMS Repulse’ (front) after being hit by Japanese torpedo aircrafts off the Malaysian coast near Kuantan. Crew members of the ‘Prince of Wales’ are trying to get on a rescue boat, 1941.

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The shipwrecks off the coast of central Pahang state are designated war graves, and the U.K. Ministry of Defence earlier condemned the alleged raid as a “desecration” of graves.

Fishermen and divers alerted authorities after spotting a foreign vessel near the area last month.

The agency said it detained the vessel registered in Fuzhou, China, on Sunday for anchoring without a permit off southern Johor state. It said there were 32 crew members aboard, including 21 Chinese, 10 from Bangladesh and a Malaysian.

The agency said officials from the National Heritage Department and others will work together to identify the cannon shell.

Britain’s National Museum of the Royal Navy last week said it was “distressed and concerned at the apparent vandalism for personal profit.”

The maritime agency said it believed the rusty cannon shell was linked to the police seizure of dozens of unexploded artillery and other relics at a private scrapyard in Johor. The New Straits Times newspaper reported that the ammunitions were believed to be from the warships and that police conducted an on-site controlled explosion of the weapons.

Old shipwrecks are targeted by scavengers for their rare low-background steel, also known as “pre-war steel,” BBC News reported. The low radiation in the steel makes it a rare and valuable resource for use in medical and scientific equipment.

Pictures and a video released by the agency showed a barge carrier with a large crane and heaps of rusty metal on board. Known as pre-war steel, the material from the two warships is valuable and could be smelted for use in manufacturing of some scientific and medical equipment.

It was not the first time that the two shipwrecks were targeted.

The New Straits Times reported that foreign treasure hunters used homemade explosives in 2015 to detonate the heavy steel plates on the ships for easy pickings. Other media said authorities detained a Vietnamese vessel involved in the looting of the wreckage at the time.

British Royal Navy Battleship HMS Prince of Wales
British Royal Navy Battleship HMS Prince of Wales, H 12911, anchoring in an undisclosed naval port ca. 1941.

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