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Tell Us About How You Gather

Tell Us About How You Gather


Recent shifts in how we gather and spend our free time have affected how frequently we socialize with people inside and outside our households. But our desire to be together and the need for human connection remains unchanged. We want to hear about events and get-togethers across the country that bring people together to connect and play.

We especially want to hear about any event that’s a fixture in your community (think: block parties in New York City), a longstanding tradition in your area (this weekly, musical happy hour in Ann Arbor is decades old or Fiesta in San Antonio), a unique social gathering (have you heard about the meeting of the Ryans?) or a space where (20 or more) people come together to play, party or let loose.

We will read all responses through September and may reach out to some responders to interview them for an article. We will not publish any part of your submission without contacting you first. Please note: We will not consider gatherings held for promotional purposes, for example, the release of a book.


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