Home Economy Watch: Kelly Clarkson plays surprise sidewalk concert

Watch: Kelly Clarkson plays surprise sidewalk concert

Watch: Kelly Clarkson plays surprise sidewalk concert


Kelly Clarkson, while in Vegas for her appearance at the iHeartRadio Music Festival, surprises a fan with an impromptu concert on Las Vegas streets.

The 41-year-old singer posted a video on Instagram Saturday of herself surprising a woman singing on the sidewalk in Las Vegas by joining in for an impromptu performance.

“I was on my way to soundcheck for @iHeartRadio tonight in Vegas and was tipping this incredible woman killing some Tina Turner,” Clarkson began her caption. “And then she asked me to sing and had no clue who I was.”

“And then it hit her, and it made my day!” she continued. “She gives the best hugs and sings her tail off! See ya tonight Vegas #iHeartFestival2023.”

Clarkson in the shared clip was dancing and clapping beside the woman as she performed Tina Turner’s popular song What’s Love Got to Do With It in the video.

The woman eventually paused at one point in the video as it went on and pointed at Clarkson when she realised who was singing.

As a cheering mob gathered, she let out a scream and threw her arms up to embrace Clarkson.

“I was like, ‘You sound so good!’” Clarkson said to the woman, hugging her again.

“Are you f—— kidding me?” the street musician replied, making Clarkson chuckle.

“So good,” Ryan Seacrest, praises the American Idol winner in the comments section. 


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